Category: Workplace Addiction

Aspects of Substance Abuse in the workplace

Substance abuse affects the daily life in all aspects of a person suffering from addiction and addictive behaviours. This doesn’t stop even when a person is at work/working. The use of substances by employees in corporate and other work environments during working hours has become something that happens more often than you would think. Regardless […]

What causes substance abuse amongst youth? Part1

The National Youth Commission Act, 1996, defines youth as people aged between 14-35 years. According to  Stats SA(2010) ‘’Youth in South Africa constituted 37% of the population in 2010, numbering 19.1 million individuals.’’ There is a rise in drug use by the youth in South Africa. This ranges from the Youth in Schools and economically active […]

How to Identify Drug Abuse In the Workplace

Certain behavioural patterns and signs can indicate possible abuse of substances by employees or colleagues. These include: Sudden mood changes; Unusual irritability or aggression; Confusion; Abnormal fluctuation in concentration and energy levels; Impaired performance of duties and responsibilities; Poor time-management; Increased frequency of short-term illnesses and absence; Deterioration in relationships with colleagues, customers or management; […]