This consist of the initial 3 weeks of admission and the program covers
- Safe and medically supervised detoxification program
- Medical and psychiatric evaluation and formulation of individually appropriate treatment plan
- Introduction to 12 step programme
- Full step 1 program with completion of work sheet. This emphasized on acceptance of addiction, life is unmanageable, powerlessness over drug and need for change
- Motivation enhancement therapy to address initial stages of cycle of change namely contemplative, pre-action and action stages
- Understanding addiction
- Effective stress management skills
- Effective communication skills
- Anger management skills
- Rebuilding healthy relationship
- Family reintegration
- Individual and group therapy
- Equine therapy
- Movement therapy
- Occupation therapy
- Creative art and craft
- Spiritual support
This is the extended treatment phase that last for 3 weeks.
Emphasis is on consolidation of skills and trainings in the first phase-
- Further in-dept training on 12 steps
- Attending established support groups (NA/AA) and sharing in the groups
- Trauma Counselling
- Family reintegration
- Gradual reintegration into the community
- Relapse prevention skills
- Occupation therapy
Individual and group psychotherapy.
This is an extension of treatment plan longer than 6 weeks and it focuses on maintenance of already established journey to sustained sobriety. It consists of individually based self-development skills training activities, 12 step programs, regular group meetings, gradual independent reintegration to the society at large.