Phases of Treatment


This consist of the initial 3 weeks of admission and the program covers

  1. Safe and medically supervised detoxification program
  2. Medical and psychiatric evaluation and formulation of individually appropriate treatment plan
  3. Introduction to 12 step programme
  4. Full step 1 program with completion of work sheet. This emphasized on acceptance of addiction, life is unmanageable, powerlessness over drug and need for change
  5. Motivation enhancement therapy to address initial stages of cycle of change namely contemplative, pre-action and action stages
    • Understanding addiction
    • Effective stress management skills
    • Effective communication skills
    • Anger management skills
    • Rebuilding healthy relationship
  1. Family reintegration
  2. Individual and group therapy
  3. Equine therapy
  4. Movement therapy
  5. Occupation therapy
  6. Creative art and craft
  7. Spiritual support


This is the extended treatment phase that last for 3 weeks.

Emphasis is on consolidation of skills and trainings in the first phase-

  • Further in-dept training on 12 steps
  • Attending established support groups (NA/AA) and sharing in the groups
  • Trauma Counselling
  • Family reintegration
  • Gradual reintegration into the community
  • Relapse prevention skills
  • Occupation therapy

Individual and group psychotherapy.


This is an extension of treatment plan longer than 6 weeks and it focuses on maintenance of already established journey to sustained sobriety. It consists of individually based self-development skills training activities, 12 step programs, regular group meetings, gradual independent reintegration to the society at large.