Begin Again

We often look towards inspirational words and poems that can help lift our spirits and focus on the important things in life. When a person is battling substance addiction problems, motivational words and poems can help keep focus and on track with recovery. It can motivate a person toward action and getting help.

Perhaps the most well-known motivational poem is “The Serenity Prayer”:

God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
To change the things that I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Since we are not immune from addiction problems and understand that it can happen to anyone, even the best of us(Nida,2018), one of the best things you can do in your life should you be the one facing addiction is to get help and begin again to rebuild your life in recovery.

The next poem called “Begin Again” is quite inspirational:

Begin again

Begin to see yourself as you were when you were the happiest
Begin to remember what worked for you and what worked against you
Begin to try and re-capture the magic that is life
Begin to live a lifetime each day as you did when you were a child
Begin to forget your baggage, the problems that don’t matter anymore, the tears that cried themselves away, and the worries that are going to wash away on the shore of tomorrow’s new beginning

Tomorrow tells us it will be here every new day of our lives
If we are wise, we will turn away from the problems of the past
And give the future and ourselves a chance to become the best of friends

Sometimes all it takes is a wish in the heart to let yourself

Begin again

~ Author Unknown

People with a drug addiction can find some beautiful words to live by in a poem. It can speak to them and motivate them to action.

If you are facing challenges, struggling with drug addiction, try writing your own poem. Look inside your heart, see what the addiction is doing to you and express your feelings in a poem. You may just find that you can inspire yourself!

Clearview Clinic is a drug rehab in pretoria. We have a team of qualified expects who are available to answer any questions that you may have. We offer a  holistic in-patient rehabilitation program for individuals struggling with drug addiction.

Call today  +27 12 819 1422 or +27 61 424 1939 (24/7) or  email for help.

